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Want to quit smoking? Tired of standing outside on the princess balcony of your friend’s condo, while everyone else is inside flirting over a glass of the latest vintage of Beaujolais Nouveau? And then there is that cloying smell…
Try vaping an electronic cigarette. That’s is what Public Health England, an agency of the British government’s Department of Health, said in a report released this August on electronic cigarettes and smoking cessation.
Finally, there are authoritative answers about e-cigs and nicotine vapor based on actual medical research.
Taking up e-cigarettes and throwing away the pack is satisfying your body’s nicotine addiction without sucking smoke into your lungs. So if you are a heavy smoker, you will want to vape often and regularly.
In another review of medical studies on electronic cigarettes, the Cochrane Collaboration found, “that using an EC (e-cig) containing nicotine increased the chances of stopping smoking long-term.” The Cochorane Collaboration is a non-profit, non-governmental health organization consisting of some 31,000 volunteers in 120 countries.
So if you smoke and want to stop, switching to e-cigarettes and vaping can help you stop now and and keep you off of tobacco for the long-term. Each year 480,000 Americans die from diseases related to the effects of smoking cigarettes made from tobacco… Not by vaping nicotine vapor from an electronic cigarette.
Vaping and e-cig works pretty much like a cigarette except there is no need for matches, lighters, ashtrays, or to go outside. It is a smokeless cigarette. NICMXX electronic cigarettes are shaped just like tobacco ones, but come in two distinct parts, a rechargeable battery and a cartridge, that fit together to work.
When the two parts are put together and you inhale at the mouthpiece, the vacuum created cues a small switch inside the battery that activates the cartridge’s internal atomizer. The atomizer produces a vapor from water inside the cartridge, which then picks up the nicotine and flavoring as it is emitted through the mouthpiece.
Go here to better understand the mechanics behind NICMAXX vapor.
A lot depends a lot on how much you smoke now, but while everyone’s experience is a little different, almost all say they feel better and healthier.
Heavy smokers switching to vaping will likely experience some smoking withdrawal symptoms, which should be expected in light of the fact that tobacco cigarettes can contain some 4,000 chemicals, 60 of which are known carcinogens.
NICMAXX electronic cigarettes, available through our vape store online, contain only water and our e-liquid, comprising only of nicotine, glycerol, vegetable and propylene glycol, and flavoring agents.
Glycerol and propylene glycol are common food and beverage additives. Propylene glycol is also used to create artificial smoke for theatrical productions. When it is mixed with water you get that realistic smoky-ness, which then quickly evaporates without leaving a nasty odor behind.
Some people report feeling more thirsty or having a dry cotton mouth. That is to be expected as propylene glycol is a desiccant and food preservative used in cake mixes, salad dressings, and even iced tea.
Like quitting smoking through other means, if you exclusively vape, that means the tar you sucked down for years and built up and coated the inside of your lungs will likely begin to shake loose. Many report an initial and temporary increase in coughing, phlegm, and congestion, the amount of which will likely be dependent on how much you smoke and for how long.
All this coughing may be annoying and could make you hoarse, but be patient. It means your lungs are cleaning out the junk and are starting to repair themselves.
Many who vape also report suffering from “quit zits,” which is your body expunging toxins, just through the pores of your skin. Again be patient. Brighter clearer skin is just around the corner, as is whiter teeth. And just think, because vaping is not a tobacco product, there will no longer be any tobacco stains or odors on your hands.
Because the amount of nicotine you intake using only electronic cigarettes will likely be less than that of tobacco, you may experience some insomnia, increased sensitivity to caffeine, indigestion, and sometimes headaches as your body adjusts to smoking cessation.
Some new to vaping may find their sense of smell and taste improves. Many report that even just after a week of exclusively vaping, they experience an increased negative sensitivity to tobacco smoke.
Let’s go back to that Beaujolais Nouveau party. You never have to step outside to get your fix again. You will not miss that touchdown, or an important moment because you had to leave the room to light up.
If you exclusively vape, you can rest assured that when your loved ones and friends want to give you a hug, they will not associate an ashtray with your embrace. Kissing is a lot nicer too.
Ready to try e-cigs? Have a gander over at our disposable e-cigs corner where you can experiment with different flavors. Disposables are a great way to try out e-cigs without the financial commitment.